Saturday, January 22, 2011



  • Skin-relax formula with 100% plant extract
  • Blended uniquely with deodorant & moisturizing extracts
  • Creamy foam, smooth feeling & easy to wash
  • Gentle to skin, environmental-friendly 
Outstanding performance 
  • Refreshing, relaxing with unique aroma
  • Quick rinsing, no sticky feeling after bath
  • Extra soft, extra smooth & extra radiant
  • Deep pore cleansing, reduce skin tension & tiredness
  • Fragrance appears during washing, but fades away after rinsing
  • Eliminate all body odors - underarm, feet, sweat & skin disorders 
产 品 特 征: 
  • 100%植物性成份可松弛皮肤的配方
  • 内渗强效除臭剂和滋润柔软剂
  •  奶油状的泡沫,柔滑感,易冲洗
  • 温和不伤肌肤,环境友好 
非 凡 功 能: 
  • 清新舒畅,特选魅力植物香味
  •  易冲涤 ,省水省时洗澡后不粘腻
  •  非常柔润, 异常爽滑 , 容光焕发
  • 深入毛孔清洗, 降低皮肤绷紧和疲劳
  • 沐浴时香味涌现,冲洗后香味自然消失     
  • 消除各种身体异味~腋下汗水和失调皮肤 

Shower Gel (800ml)
Category : Personal Care

Retail : MYR 33.00
EP : MYR 29.00

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